Monday, February 2, 2009

"You've got to feed a cold"

The other night I had a miserable cold and no medicine in the house that I could take. When Bill got home from work, he turned right back around to run to the store to get me some "pregnancy-approved" medicine. He came back with the medicine, but did you know that
1) a family-sized box of Apple Jacks
2) a case of Diet Coke
3) a pack of Peanut M&M's
4) and a pint of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream
all help to cure the common cold too. Bill just thinks that everyone needs surprises when they are not feeling good.
I knew I married him for more than his money:)


wendy said...

I thought every one knew that was the recipe for the common cold. I it is the African cold you need to replace the cereal with licorice, and peanut butter cups. Hope you are feeling well. Sucks to be prego and sick at the same time.

Jill said...

Man what a good husband you have. Hope that you get better soon.

and Trey's comments?!? so funny. It is kind of like the "things I think about while mowing the lawn" part two, only funnier cuz he is 7.

Only someone that smart could be your child ;)

Emily said...

Really? Huh. For my colds, it's chocolate donuts and reese's puffs. Interesting how everyone's immune systems react differently. That's cute that he brought you back all of those things. Hope you're feeling better!!