Friday, February 27, 2009

It Finally Quit...

About 6 months ago, my dishwasher started having issues and died on me.
I got a new dishwasher. At first it was great and quiet and did an awesome job at washing the dishes with no fuss.
Slowly, I started to notice a little grumbling sound now and then. Every night it seemed to get louder. Some nights I would do the dishes myself just to avoid the noise :)
Finally my B.I.L.L. dishwasher gave out on me and I was forced to buy a newer, younger, much quieter version.
My B.I.L.L. dishwasher was free, but some things are worth the money :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hanging out with Milsap

Yesterday, Trey got a once in a lifetime chance to go to a basketball clinic at the Energy Solutions Center with a Jazz player.
The player who was there was Paul Milsap (he is my favorite).
Bill and I both went up to watch. It was really cool to be on the floor and to have your kid have that opportunity. It was awesome! We feel so lucky to be able to do things like that.
Here are some pictures in no particular order:

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Kid is on a Roll

Trey has seriously been cracking me up so much lately, even when he is insulting me.
The other day we were driving home from karate, and Trey was in the backseat watching a movie with the headphones on.
I had the radio on pretty loud and I was singing along.
After the song was over Trey takes off his headphones and says, "Mom, it's pretty cool that you think you are a good singer."
He put his headphones back on and didn't say another word, and I didn't sing another note.
I should have just to embarass him.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Random comment from Trey:Part 2

Trey was at karate today. He is practicing a kata to do for his school talent show.
My dad is his teacher, so after they were done, Grandpa says,"The chicks are going to dig it."

Trey looks at him, deadly serious and answers,"I'm not really looking for a relationship right now, Grandpa."

What kind of a 7-year old thinks to say things like that?

"You've got to feed a cold"

The other night I had a miserable cold and no medicine in the house that I could take. When Bill got home from work, he turned right back around to run to the store to get me some "pregnancy-approved" medicine. He came back with the medicine, but did you know that
1) a family-sized box of Apple Jacks
2) a case of Diet Coke
3) a pack of Peanut M&M's
4) and a pint of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream
all help to cure the common cold too. Bill just thinks that everyone needs surprises when they are not feeling good.
I knew I married him for more than his money:)

Random comments from Trey

Trey:Mom, aren't you excited that we finally get to have another baby?

Me:Yeah, I'm excited. Are you excited?


Me:Why are you excited?

Trey:Cuz, I have been waiting for 7 years, and that is like, longer than most people go to prison.
